Electrical student / Stephen A.

A few years ago, while I was working as an assembly operator for Triumph Motorcycles, I decided that it was not what I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life and began thinking about taking an electrical course. My job paid the bills, but assembling motorcycles every day was becoming extremely monotonous. When I was younger I had always wanted to be an electrician and had previously completed my Level 1 straight after I left school. Unfortunately it was very difficult to find an apprenticeship at the time and, upon being offered the assembly job, I decided that, for now, work was to be prioritised over forging the career that I wanted. However, after a number of years, it was becoming clear to me that I needed something more.

I happened to see a Facebook advert whilst I was considering what to do with my future, so I set up a meeting with a sales advisor and from there signed up to the electrical training course. The monthly cost was a small price to pay for such a huge investment in mine and my family’s future. I have since completed my 2365 Level 2 and 2392 Inspection and Testing qualifications and am currently undertaking my Level 3. I still work for Triumph but I now play a vital role in the electronics assembly line, fitting printed circuit boards and testing all the electric components to get your wheels turning. Also the pay is much better and it feels fantastic to be able to tick the “skilled worker” box on forms!
In the future I would love to open my own business, but for now I’m concentrating on gaining all the relevant experience I can in the field, none of which would have been possible if I hadn’t decided to bite the bullet and join the course.

The centre staff are very welcoming and the atmosphere each week is fantastic, all of the tutors inspire you to push the boundaries and give you the confidence to do the best you possibly can.