Joshua Shaw – Thank You New Trades Career

I belive I have achieved way higher than my expectations during this course, I started the course believing that it would be something I could never amount to. But through the learning books and tutoring along with the online classrooms, I have passed all of my TMA’s and really surprised myself, I am passing all of the e learning packages and properly calculating equations, something I have never been able to understand. being an electrician is starting to look like a real thing for me now, I am proud of the way I managed to get so far because all my life I never really stuck anything out for the long run but this course has really gave me the drive and inspiration to do better with my life, I am surprised at how well I am taking everything in and that is all thanks to how well the course is planned out. I am getting really good at doing algebra and formulas, which I had absolutely no experience or knowledge in, the way things are explained thoroughly really have helped me understand all the different formulas and equations, I now know things that where always way beyond by understanding and everytime I take a mock exam or a TMA i really do surprise myself by getting what I think are quite high scores on them, I am so motivated to get into the centre and do some practical work and my exams I am thoroughly enjoying the learning experience and I really cannot wait to be a fully qualified electrician and get myself out there making homes and buildings safe. I want to thank New Trades Career and everyone who makes this course what it is I think it’s a really good opportunity for anyone who is wanting to make something better of themselves, they really do prove that anyone can do whatever they set their heart, especially with the right people behind you and mentoring you, people who only have what’s best for you in mind, thank you for giving me this opportunity you have really changed my life :).